International Education Gin Academy Cosmetic Laser Courses
Basic Training of Laser & Electrolysis; Basic and Advanced – Theory, Demonstration and Hands on
Laser, condensed light
Laser Laser beams of a certain wavelength are converted to heat energy by transferring the energy of dark matter.
Laser Hair Removal is the fastest and healthiest way to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. This is based on the principle of destroying the veins feeding the hair roots. The wavelength of light used in laser epilation is absorbed by the dark melanin pigment and destroys the hair follicles.
Lasers in certain wave lengths have been used for many years for different purposes.
Electrolysis/ Needle Epilation
The method of passing heat energy to the hair root
Termolisis: the pinhole allows the hair root to vibrate with the electric energy it sends to the root of the hair. This vibration vibrates the water in the hair root, heats it and destroys the hair root.
Galvanic: Needle root electric energy is transmitted and hair root provides sodium hydroxide production. When sodium hydroxide warms, it breaks the hair root.
Training Participation Certificate Medical Cosmetic Laser & Electrolysis/ Needle Epilation Two basic certificates are given by completing basic and advanced level trainings.
Courses Including
Cosmetic Laser Types
Laser hair removal
Photo epilation (flash lamp technology)
Photo Epilation – Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
Effect of Laser on Hair Root
Laser Hair Removal (Light Amplification with Stimulated Emission)
Radiation) Definition
Light Amount and Duration of the Laser
The Importance of Skin and Hair Color in Laser Hair Removal
The Importance of Cooling the Skin in Laser Epilation
Pain Level in Laser Hair Removal
Preparation Before Laser Hair Removal
Treatment Period in Laser Hair Removal
Application Times in Laser Epilation
Laser Hair Removal Applications in Men
Permanence in Light Epilation methods
Laser Types for Hair Removal
The types of lasers according to their wavelengths.
Ruby Laser
Alexandrite Laser
Diode Laser
Neodymium (Nd:) Yag Laser
Situations Without Laser Hair Removal
Points to Consider Before Applying Laser Hair Removal
Points to Consider During Laser Epilation Application
Points to Consider After Laser Epilation Application
The Complications of Laser
Pre- and Postoperative Precautions in Laser Treatment
Tatoo Remover hypermelanosis
Nonablative Resurfacing Lasers and Their Usage in The Treatment of Skin Rhytides
Ablative Resurfacing Lasers And Their Usage in The Treatment of Skin Rhytides